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Wednesday, February 25


tag dari mimi...aduh...bolh tak siti copy & paste dr mummy dasy....he he he

The rules:

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have fun! Don't forget to post it!

1. What is your name: SITI NORIZA BINTI SALEH ( my full name tau).
2. Four letter word: STOP
3. A boy's name: SALEH (bolh gitu?..he he he)
4. A girl's name: SYAURA ( sajer nak bodek tukang TAG ni...)
5. An occupation: SECURITY
6. A color: SAPPHIRE (boleh tak ?)
7. Something you'll wear: SHOES
8. A food: SUSHI
9. Something found in the bathroom: SOAP ( he he he..tiru mummy dasy)
10. A place: SINGAPORE
11. A reason for being late:SORRY BOS, MY DAUGHTER "MENGAMUK"..(jwpn real ni tau kalau siti masuk opis lmbt)
12. Something you'd shout: SENGAL!!!
13. A movie title: SEPET
14. Something you drink: SIRAP BANDUNG
15. A musical group: SPRING ( dolu-dolulah )
16. An animal: SNAKE
17. A street: SELADANG 2 ( ada tau nama jln kat kulai ni )
18. A type of car: SERENA
19. The title of a song: SUCI DALAM DEBU...he he he

erk....aku nak TAG kak yatie ngn azie kawaii jelah...sajer nak kasi biar blog dia berupdate....he he he..buat tau..jgn tak buat...


  1. Alamak macam senang aje huruf 's'...kekeke...nak buat huruf r berchenta..

  2. itulah pasal...seb baik senang...kih kih kih..

  3. hernee<>>>>buat, jgn tak buat...he he

  4. Allamakkk..dah macam keja skolah lak....sib baik takde cikgu nak rotan kalau tak siapkan..heheee...

  5. yatiejay>>>>.ish,...wp.pun x kene rotan...tetap kene buat tau...he he he

  6. alamak..
    kuang asm la kak ti ni..
    xpe2..cbaran ni..
    letter "N" snang skit koott...
